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Version Format

Mod Version Specification

In OML SemVer is enforced, requiring a Major.Minor.Patch format, additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are valid but will be ignored by OML


Dependency Version Specification

Specifying dependency ranges is very simple in OML.

The external DSL can be seen below.

Static Version - (Major.Minor.Patch) - 1.0.0 allows only 1.0.0
Bracket Ranges (>=|>|<|<=) - >=1.0.0 & <2.0.0 allows any version from 1.x.x
Wildcard Ranges (*|X|x) - 1.* which is equivalent to >=1.0.0 & <2.0.0
Tilde Ranges (~) - ~1.5 which is equivalent to >=1.5.0 & <1.6.0
Hyphen Ranges (-) - 1.0-2.0 which is equivalent to >=1.0.0 & <=2.0.0
Caret Ranges (^) - ^0.2.3 which is equivalent to >=0.2.3 & <0.3.0
Partial Version Ranges - 1 which is equivalent to 1.x or >=1.0.0 & <2.0.0
Negation operator - !(1.x) which is equivalent to <1.0.0 & >=2.0.0
Parenthesized expressions - ~1.3 | (1.4.* & !=1.4.5) | ~2
              <semver-expr> ::= "(" <semver-expr> ")"
                              | "!" "(" <semver-expr> ")"
                              | <semver-expr> <more-expr>
                              | <range>

                <more-expr> ::= <boolean-op> <semver-expr>
                              | epsilon

               <boolean-op> ::= "&" | "|"

                    <range> ::= <comparison-range>
                              | <wildcard-range>
                              | <tilde-range>
                              | <caret-range>
                              | <hyphen-range>
                              | <partial-version-range>

         <comparison-range> ::= <comparison-op> <version> 
                              | <version>

           <wildcard-range> ::= <wildcard>
                              | <major> "." <wildcard>
                              | <major> "." <minor> "." <wildcard>

              <tilde-range> ::= "~" <version>

              <caret-range> ::= "^" <version>

             <hyphen-range> ::= <version> "-" <version>

    <partial-version-range> ::= <major>
                              | <major> "." <minor>

                  <version> ::= <major>
                              | <major> "." <minor>
                              | <major> "." <minor> "." <patch>

            <comparison-op> ::= "=" | "!=" | ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<="

                    <major> ::= <numeric-identifier>

                    <minor> ::= <numeric-identifier>

                    <patch> ::= <numeric-identifier>

       <numeric-identifier> ::= "0"
                              | <positive-digit>
                              | <positive-digit> <numeric-identifier>

           <positive-digit> ::= "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"

                 <wildcard> ::= "*" | "x" | "X"